Digital Ecology: White hole


A white hole is an Internet of Things creature, and its form of existence is a light spot on a web page. His tentacles are in a physical state. The tentacles can feel the changes in light. When the light is sufficient, the bright spots on the webpage will become larger, and when the light is dim, the spots will shrink and become dim. At the same time, this Internet of Things structure can receive the signal from the companion. I use three LED lights to indicate different states, namely, self-activation, companion activation and interaction with companion bear.


Particle Photon board, P5.js




My Internet of Things interaction is more mechanical, without a clear theme. Putting this device in a room, how the environment in the room interacts with it? The change of light is gradual throughout the day, but it will be affected The influence of people's actions such as turning on and off lights, how do these three form an effective connection? The current web page is more like an interactive screen with a Zen nature.